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Valenzuela Student Orgs Induct New Officers
Valenzuela Student Orgs Induct New Officers

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) of the Our Lady of Fatima University- Valenzuela Campus (OLFU- VAL) organized an omnibus Induction of Officers of the student organizations under its wing.

Officers of 33 student organizations attended the Oath-Taking Ceremonies. Broken down, the organizations are categorized as: 20 college-based, 3 academic-based and 10 interest-based. Said officers are expected to steer their respective groups through the new SY 2016- 2017.

Making the affair even more festive, special performances were rendered by The OFLU Performers, Fatima Dance Troupe, SHS Dance Club and the OLFU Orchestra.

The occasion was ably put together by the OSA Valenzuela Campus Coordinator Lea Dayrit, and through the kind supervision of the Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Mylene S. Abad Santos.