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RDIC Structure and Committees

The Research Development and Innovation Center (RDIC), as the university research arm, is guided by certain guiding principles and philosophies. Aligned with the university vision mission- core values statements, the research center envisions itself to be a global trailblazer of quality and innovative research. Its existence ensures empowerment of the community to engage in meaningful research development activities. The battlecry “creating a difference”, is further characterized by center philosophies centered on novelty, trendy, connectivity and visibility. This serves as the framework on how the RDIC serves the university community.


RDIC Vision

The Research, Development and Innovation Center as a global trailblazer of quality and innovative research in 2020.


RDIC Mission

The RDIC empowers the OLFU community to engage in meaningful research and development activities toward societal advancement.


RDIC Philosophy

Trendy We align our research products and services to the needs of the environment and society.
Novelty We empower our researchers to flourish innovative concepts and creative works.
Connectivity We foster strong partnership and collaboration with different organizations and institutions.
Visibility We engage in sharing our research works to the research community around the globe.
Responsibility We acknowledge our moral commitment in ensuring societal and environmental welfare.
Sustainability We support the present development needs to safeguard the future capacity and resources.


Organizational Chart

The university research center has a well-defined organizational chart and specialty committees for a variety of research and scholarship functions.

The Research Development and Innovation Center was created by the university administration to realize and achieve the research goals of the institution. Then and now, the RDIC stays on top of every research initiatives of the University, its colleges, departments and community health programs.

The Research Council is a special body attached to the Research Development and Innovation Center. The Council is created to help strengthen and develop the research programs and objectives of the university.

All research staff and visiting researchers are subject to current mandates and policies of the University on intellectual property, including the Patent and Development Policy that gives the University rights to discoveries and inventions made under conditions of employment or from the use of University facilities, resources, or support.