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University Seal
Home 9 University Seal

The University Logo bears identifiable images which put into visual symbols the institutional philosophy of the Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU).

An academic shield forms the central image of the logo and is adorned with two complementing banners possessing the name of the university and the Latin words “veritas et miserecordia” which stand for the two principal virtues, truth and compassion, that the institution believes in as it fulfills its mission of “improving man as man.”


A tall white cross divides the shield into four quadrants. The white cross is the universal symbol for health which is the very core of existence of the university which initially started as a health institution.


The crusader’s cross reflects the forward-looking philosophy of the men and women of the institution and their unconditional dedication to pursue the envisioned aspirations of the founders.


The book and the laurel emphasize the fact that the university is, first and foremost, a learning institution, the primary goal of which is to usher men and women towards academic excellence. The university recognizes its mission, particularly those which pertain to the academic development of all its members.


The open book instills the dynamism of life-long learning as an essential virtue for enhancing the individual’s resistance against the corrosive effect of stagnation and mediocrity.


The four white pillars stand for the four operational pillars upon which the existence of the university is established: Academic Excellence, Professional Competence, Developmental Research and Social Compassion.


The roaring lion breathes life to the fortitude of conviction of the dedicated men and women of the university in living a life of truth and compassion.


The stars , which proudly stand at the base of the shield, represent the sixteen disciplines of the sciences and humanities which collectively march and shine as THE OUR LADY OF FATIMA UNIVERSITY. They represent the sixteen operational units at the time of conversion into a university, namely: Fatima University Medical Center, College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, Graduate School, College of Nursing, College of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Computer Studies, College of Hospitality and Institutional Management, College of Maritime Education, College of Pharmacy, College of Medical Laboratory Science, College of Education College of Business and Accountancy, College of Criminal Justice, and Basic Education Department.