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Career Service Support
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Career Interview Trainings 

Career-related seminars and trainings are being provided to graduating students to provide them with knowledge and skills in technical job hunting. Students need to gain a clear perception of their career opportunities and workplace requirements, get realistic learning prospects in both the private and public sectors, develop job search and interviewing skills, and obtain employment upon graduation. Likewise, it is a necessity for alumni to enhance their job search and interviewing skills, their career objectives, gain solid knowledge of their career opportunities and workplace requirements, and obtain meaningful employment in their area of expertise in parallel with their education, experience, and personal goals.

Our Lady of Fatima University truly plays a vital role in ensuring that graduates will receive the best assistance even beyond their stay at the university. These services could be of great help in ensuring that all university students and graduates are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to be more prepared and employable.

Campus Career Fair

Career fairs are being facilitated annually to enhance career opportunities and employment connections between qualified students and employers. Through this activity, students are assisted in identifying and obtaining full-time employment opportunities. Career fairs offer a chance to learn general information about different industries. It allows students and employers to meet and discuss specific details about current job openings. Moreover, on-the-spot interviews are being conducted and exams are scheduled, which allows students to really experience the hiring process.

Our Lady of Fatima University’s annual job fair is attended by a number of graduating students and alumni who are being assisted in their career-hunting journey through job placement.

Career Advising Sessions

Our Lady of Fatima University also provides a comprehensive, developmental program designed to assist individuals in making and implementing informed educational and occupation choices through individual career coaching. This aims to help students determine their strengths, values, and interests in order to make choices regarding their careers. Also helps them with their career exploration and decision-making.

Online Career Portal

The Career Placement System (CPS) is an online search engine portal that allows OLFU alumni to freely access a world of opportunities for available jobs that best fit their qualifications. Through this online portal, students and alumni will be given broad options for choosing careers. It is also a platform for companies to search for potential candidates to fill their vacant job positions. The Career Placement System, or CPS, is an internet-based recruitment website that is revolutionizing the way recruitment is done today. Which was first introduced in February 2014. It was also recognized as one of the university’s strengths during the Philippine Quality Award.

Career Placement Website: