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University shares Academic Performance for 2nd Sem SY 2019-20
University shares Academic Performance for 2nd Sem SY 2019-20

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


Our Lady of Fatima University releases a summarized report on the Overall Academic Performance profile of its students (of Undergraduate Programs) for the Second Semester of SY 2019-2020.

Statistics show the following: 86% of students earned a Passing mark; 8% of students are of Conditional status; 5% are marked as Incomplete, and 2% are FDAs (Failed Due to Absences).

Passers are those who had satisfactorily completed all course requirements.

On the other hand, those of Conditional status are students whose coursework assessment fall below the passing mark; while the “Incompletes” would be students who failed to submit major course output such as research, capstone, thesis, term papers and such. Then, the FDAs represent students who incurred absences that sum up to more than 20% of required class attendance before the ECQ lockdown.

In cognizance of the current and unique circumstances brought about by the ECQ, the University announces opportunities for students of Conditional or Incomplete status to earn Passing marks. The following concessions are for this specific instance, and not to be seen as precedents:

Conditional Status: These students will be given the opportunity to take removal examinations (free-of-charge) sometime within the First Semester of SY 2020-2021. Schedules will be decided upon by College Deans and will be communicated to students through SMS or email via OLFU’s guidance counselors.

Incomplete Status: These students are given the opportunity to submit lacking requirements also within the First Semester of SY 2020-2021.

OLFU recognizes the academic performance of its students. At the same time, it offers a breadth of opportunities with a wide time-frame for other students to make the grade.