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Career Planning, Opportunities And Development Programs For Graduating Students And Alumni
Career Planning, Opportunities And Development Programs For Graduating Students And Alumni

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


Last February 17-20, 2015, the Center for Guidance Services celebrated its “Annual Guidance Awareness Week”  in all campuses. Fun-filled activities were initiated by the department like the Jail Booth, Marriage Booth, Kiss Booth and of course, consistently the most-awaited activity, which was “The Fun Way of Knowing One’s Personality.” Results of the IQ Tests administered to the Freshmen during the first semester of the current school year were also released. Mask-painting and hand-painting contests were also conducted that really captured students’ attention.

This year, highlighting the celebration were the Career Planning, Opportunities and Development Programs spearheaded by the Central Placement Office (CPO) with this year’s theme, “Smart Job Search.” Invited speakers from Script 2010, a subsidiary of  GMA Network, Inc. and Jobs  were very generous enough to share their expertise on the importance of right career planning. Participants were also given tips on how they could better prepare themselves for job interviews and provided them too with some of the technical skills they will need for job hunting.


The Job Fair held simultaneously in all campuses was a roaring success, with more than 100 companies as participants, the biggest Job Fair ever conducted in OLFU.  Hundreds of students and alumni were truly overwhelmed by the big number of industries who came over to accommodate them in their applications. Metrobank, Mercury Drug, Toyota, ABS-CBN, McDonald’s Corporation, SM, Watson’s, Hi-Precision, Accenture, Sykes, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Social Security System and our very own, Fatima University Medical Center were only a few of those companies who joined the said event.  On-the-spot interviews were conducted and a number of applicants were hired on-the-spot too, which were mostly alumni.


All activities held during the week were indeed another contribution of the Center for Guidance Services and the Central Placement Office in realizing OLFU’s Vision-Mission which is to “improve man as man.”