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Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland bestows Fellowship upon Dr. Diño
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland bestows Fellowship upon Dr. Diño

By: Chelsea Mayuga


By: Chelsea Mayuga


Dublin, Ireland
05 December 2022

The esteemed Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) formally named Dr. Michael Joseph Diño a Fellow. Awarded during the Fellows, Members, and Diplomates Conferring Ceremony at the RCSI’s St. Stephen Green Campus in Dublin, Dr. Diño attended the landmark event in person to graciously accept the honor. The newly minted fellow is the Director of the Research Development and Innovation Center (RDIC) of Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) in the Philippines.

The RCSI Fellowship of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery is bestowed upon candidates who demonstrate outstanding work and exceptional leadership in their profession, and is deemed to hold much prestige worldwide amongst nurses and midwives who seek professional qualification of high distinction.

The RCSI is ranked among the top 50 universities in the field of health and wellbeing according to the recent study conducted by the World Universities with Real Impact (WURI). Founded in 1784 by the Royal Charter, the RCSI is a non-profit independent University.