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OLFU partners with Universities in China and Myanmar
OLFU partners with Universities in China and Myanmar

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) collaborates with Sias International University in China and the University of Medicine in Magway, Myanmar through the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that encourages the exchange of faculty, scholars, students, academic information, and materials in the belief that mutual understanding among their respective faculty, scholars, and students will be intensified by the establishment of exchanges.

Dr. Heracleo Lagrada, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, represented OLFU in the MOU signing held during the Association of Universities of Asia and Pacific (AUAP) – Sias International Conference on May 30,2014 in Zhengzhou, Henan  Province, China. Representing the Sias International University was Dr. Shawn Chen, Founder and Chancellor, while the University Magway, Myanmar was represented by Prof. Aye Tun, Rector.

The universities further agreed to promote exchange of periodical academic publications, organization of joint research programs, organization of joint conferences, and other academic exchanges. The MOU is valid for five years and is subject to revision and modification by mutual agreement.

Sias International University is the first solely American-owned University in Central China. It is affiliated with Zhengzhou University, the leading educational institution in Henan Province and is the first full-time undergraduate university approved by the Degree Committee of the State Council in China to grant\t both Chinese and American Bachelor’s Degrees. Meanwhile, the University of Medicine in Magway is one of the five universities of medicine in Burma. It offers an M.B., B.S degree program, and master’s degree programs in medical science. It is also recognized by the Educational Commission of Foreign Medical Graduates in Burma.