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OLFU E-FACTORS 1st Place in Disaster Preparedness Olympics
OLFU E-FACTORS 1st Place in Disaster Preparedness Olympics

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


Besting competitors from different schools, non-government organizations, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Philippine National Police and many others, the Emergency Fatima Action Teams for Rescue Services (E-FACTORS) emerged in First Place at the Valenzuela City 6th Disaster Preparedness Skills Olympics and the Benchmarking 2018 event held last June 30, 2018 and July 14, 2018, respectively.

The E-FACTORS is an interest-based student organization of the College of Criminal Justice from Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) Valenzuela Campus.

Awarded on July 31, 2018 at the Amphitheater of the Valenzuela City People’s Park, the E-FACTORS Fire Rescue Team took First Place in the Fire Rescue Challenge, while the First Aid Team also won First Place in the Basic First Aid Challenge. Each group received Plaques of Recognition and a cash prize of Ten Thousand Pesos (Php10, 000.00) from Roy Calingacion, Chief Training Officer of the Valenzuela City Disaster and Rescue Management Office.

The E-FACTORS club has been actively participating in the said competition for the past five years; its members being consistent winners of the Olympics’ various challenges.