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Department of Biology conducts special class to OLFU Grade 7 students
Department of Biology conducts special class to OLFU Grade 7 students

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


The Department of Biology of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) of the Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) – Valenzuela Campus conducted a special class to Grade 7A and 7B of the Basic Education Department (BED) last July 21, 2014.  This is in line with the ongoing iAhead program of the BED in partnership with the different colleges of OLFU.

This special class which was facilitated by Mr. Marlou Ignacio, faculty member of the OLFU-CAS, aimed to demonstrate to BED students the use of different types of microscope.  During the discussion, Mr. Ignacio demonstrated the different parts of the compound microscope and differentiated the electric microscope to compound microscope.  As part of the special class, the Grade 7 students tried using the both the electric and compound microscopes.