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OLFU Valenzuela’s METEOR conducts early MedTech Week celebration
OLFU Valenzuela’s METEOR conducts early MedTech Week celebration

By: Raymond Lumagsao


By: Raymond Lumagsao

MedTech Week Opening - OLFU 2023

The Medical Technology Organization (METEOR) of Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) – Valenzuela Campus’ Medical Laboratory Science recently administered an early celebration of the annual Medical Technology Week this year.

Per Proclamation No. 1181, series of 1973, the traditional MedTech Week is commemorated every third week of September.

The appointment of OLFU by the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists (PAMET) to execute the same observance as the national host prompted the college to celebrate ahead of time. To flexibly deliver the ethos of the annual affair, METEOR conducted its series of activities from September 11-16, 2023.

The weeklong extracurricular events of the college kicked off with a solemn mass celebrated by Father Nicanor Lalog at the Assembly Hall, RISE Tower on 11 September 2023.

Faculty members of the College of Medical Laboratory Science spearheaded by Dean Jose Jurel Nuevo graced the opening program where he echoed the crucial role of allied health in an opening speech.

The PASMET Chairman for Research inculcated a sense of pride in the young minds of the students as he pointed out the contribution medical laboratory science, a steadfast frontline that deals with viruses, bacteria, among others.

“That’s the reason why preparation for you is not an easy task. That’s the reason why we need to balance everything: study and some extracurricular activities,” stated the dean while also encouraging the students to set aside study and enjoy the weeklong celebration.

Nuevo went on happily boasting the recent achievement of the College of Medical Laboratory Science – Valenzuela Campus which was hailed as the Top 4 Performing School in the August 2023 Medical Technologists Licensure Examination.

“I’m very much happy [with] the performance of the university in the last licensure examination. I hope your batch will be part of the top performing [as well],” said the dean.

Aside from the fun games and academic-related activities, an acquaintance party was also held at the Assembly Hall of the RISE Tower on 12 September 2023 to sustain the pace of the celebration where students convened to get to know each other, build a network in the college and, most importantly, cultivate a cordial OLFU community.

In an interview with METEOR President Roviel Tamayo, the student leader articulated the relevance of MedTech Week, highlighting the celebration as a way to exemplify not only their academic excellence but especially their diverse skills and talents.

For Tamayo, the academic break is in fact beneficial in their future profession particularly in creatively dealing with anxious patients.

“As medical technologists, we should not just limit ourselves with the technicalities of the profession but rather [develop] compassion to our patients,” he articulated.

Following the impressive feat of the Valenzuela Campus in the recent state exam, Tamayo is rather humbled and gracefully handling expectations to sustain the achievement in the coming years.

“This goes to show how much of an excellence ‘yung school po natin, ‘yung ino-offer ng Medical Laboratory Science. As future board exam [takers], we’re quite confident naman, kahit na hindi po namin ipressure yung sarili naming, with the guidance of our professors, [This goes to show how much of an excellence the school, the College of Medical Laboratory Science, can deliver. As future board exam takers, even without pressuring ourselves and with the guidance of our professors, we are just as confident],” said the third year aspiring medical technologist.

Offering a piece of advice to his junior college peers, the student leader encouraged them to enjoy the program and, in that way, the efficacy of their potential is eventually maximized. Following the successful celebration, METEOR is expected to assist PAMET’s turn to commemorate the MedTech Week 2023 from September 17-23, 2023. – Raymond Lumagsao