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Dentistry Ushers in New “White Coats”
Dentistry Ushers in New “White Coats”

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


It was a beautiful, glorious, sunny day last June 15, 2016 when the College of Dentistry staged its 5th WHITE COAT CEREMONY at the AMS Auditorium of the Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU), Valenzuela.

For each dentistry student, the White Coat Ceremony (WCC) never fails to weave its almost mystical air; pride, joy and excitement— palpable. And why not? After all, this exceptional rite of passage transitions the pupil from a learner of basic and pre-clinical concepts to the much-sought after stage of Clinical Dentistry. With that proverbial Dentist’s White Coat, the student transforms officially to a “Dental Clinician” who begins managing patients for restoration, oral medicine, oral diagnosis and prosthodontics; taking him or her one step closer to owning that professional title of “Dentist”.

The biannual ceremony began with the Holy Mass where Rev. Fr. Lito Caliwag blessed the coats, candles and pins that were to be used for the affair.

Dr. Shiela May Lao Dee formally opened the program proper, and introduced Dr. Caroline Marian S. Enriquez, OLFU President. Her keynote encouraged the dentistry population to be determined in their pursuit of the degree so as to be ahead in the race, be it in the emerging wealth of opportunities in the local or global market. On a lighter note, she closed with a quote from Star Wars’ Yoda who said, “Do or do not, but just don’t try.” Dr. Enriquez stressed that there are only two choices in life; to achieve something with success or not doing anything at all. “Just trying”, she said, won’t be good enough. One must get it done, plainly and simply.

The rites on the lighting of the candles followed after with the lead of Mr. Laser B. de Guzman, President of the Clinician’s Club/ FDSA.

Now, came the high point where the 80 Clinicians were “cloaked” and “pinned” by respected OLFU heads led by Dr. Carol Enriquez, College of Dentristry (COD) Dean Dr. Arturo P. de Leon, Academic Dean Dr. Sharon I. Alvarez, College Secretary Dr. Cynthia C. Dacayo and Chief-of-Clinics Dr. Ramoncito R. Valdezco. The latter then segued to the ceremonial charging of duties and responsibilities to the newly-“robed” Clinicians.

Mr. Ronald Allan A. Soco, Vice President of the Clinicians’ Club, led the Recitation of the Oath and Code of Ethics. This was complemented by the Recitation of OLFU Student Core Values by Mr. Justin A. Valera, President-Elect of the Clinician’s Club/FDSA.

Capping-off this joyous happening were a closing message of thanks from Dean De Leon, and a response from the new Clinicians represented by Ms. Janica Santos Magalona.

Dr. Nathalie Jane Burgos Mongcopa served as Master of Ceremonies for the College of Dentistry’s White Coat event.