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Country’s DICT cites College of Computer Studies as Key Contributor
Country’s DICT cites College of Computer Studies as Key Contributor

By: Chelsea Mayuga


By: Chelsea Mayuga


On 28 June 2022, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) acknowledged the College of Computer Studies (CCS) of Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) for its valuable contributions to the DICT in the advancement of the Philippine Digital Agenda.

OLFU CCS Dean, Dr. Raymond S. Macatangga, formally received the plaque of recognition during the DICT’s Appreciation Night dubbed “Alab: Recognition of Partners in Digital Transformation”, held at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC), Pasay City.

With the citation awarded by DICT Acting Secretary Emmanuel Rey R. Caintic, the said event ties in with DICT’s sixth year anniversary and the celebration of its 2022 National Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Month which promotes the message, “Spark, Strengthen, Sustain: Advancing the PH Digital Agenda”.

The DICT is an executive arm of the Philippine government that was established in 2016 to champion ICT initiatives in the name of national development.