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College of Physical Therapy Run for a Cause
College of Physical Therapy Run for a Cause

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


A run that breaks barriers and sets equality among people. A run that gives opportunities to anyone that is willing to be a part of that change. A run that gathers different people with different economic status from different sectors and that run is a run that emphasizes the urge of unity and the goodwill to erase gaps available in the society.

The M.O.V.E Pilipinas run 2013 headed by the P.A.R.M, Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine, with the theme breaking barriers takes place at Quezon City Memorial Circle on July 21, 2013 participated by the different department and schools in Metro Manila. The College of Physical Therapy faculty members, clinicians and students of Our Lady of Fatima University is one of the schools who run for change and who serves as instruments in breaking barriers that segregates people with disability with that of the normal ones.


This event aims to support the PARM Fund for the Upliftment of the Needy Differently-abled and the PARM-PMA Charity Rehab Clinic. The run is for all as it fulfills the aim of P.A.R.M as people with disability also run the 2.2km or 4.4k category run proving that even they possess some limitations it’s not a hindrance, it’s not a barrier and its’ not a reason for them to say they can’t do it.