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BSHRM Valenzuela Recognized as a Level III Program by PACUCOA
BSHRM Valenzuela Recognized as a Level III Program by PACUCOA

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


The Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA) last May 2014 officially recognized the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Hotel and Restaurant Management degree offering of the College of Hospitality and Institutional Management (CHIM) of the Valenzuela City Campus as a Level III baccalaureate program.

Through the collaborative efforts of the administration headed by Dr. Caroline Marian S. Enriquez, University President, together with the department heads and faculty members of the CHIM under the leadership of Dean Ignacio Cordova, Jr.,  the BSHRM program earned this distinction in record time as the college only initially applied for PACUCOA accreditation less than 4 years ago.