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Home 9 Articles 9 BETT ASIA AWARDS 2022 declares OLFU and President Enriquez as Finalists, Revelation of Winners slated in Oct2022 in Bangkok
BETT ASIA AWARDS 2022 declares OLFU and President Enriquez as Finalists, Revelation of Winners slated in Oct2022 in Bangkok
BETT ASIA AWARDS 2022 declares OLFU and President Enriquez as Finalists, Revelation of Winners slated in Oct2022 in Bangkok

By: Chelsea Mayuga


By: Chelsea Mayuga


Bett, a global community of educators passionate about the advancement of education technology, announced on 20 September 2022 their Finalists to the Bett Asia Awards 2022. Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) is a finalist for The Wellbeing Award, while OLFU President Dr. Caroline Marian S. Enriquez is a finalist for The Trailblazer in Inclusion Award.

The reveal of the awardees will be on 11 October 2022 during the Bett Asia Show in Bangkok, Thailand. In the Bett guidelines, The Wellbeing Award will be going to an individual, group, or institution that has made great strides in furthering collaboration in education technology, “to support and advance the development of student and teacher mental wellbeing and/or physical health.” On the other hand, The Trailblazer in Inclusion Award will raise up the individual who has done outstanding work in EdTech and inclusion “to ensure equitable learning outcomes for all students and staff.”

Bett’s mission is to “spark ideas, create connections and accelerate trade, driving impact and improving outcomes for teachers and learners.”  This year’s event is a partnership between the SEMEO RIHED (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development) and the Hyve Group. It was through the CHED International Affairs Staff that the SEMEO RIHED had put forth the invitation to OLFU to participate in the awards competition.

Member countries of SEMEO RIHED include Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Vietnam.