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Basic Education Department’s Alfonzo Gabriel Tormon wins Gold in National Inter-School Tilt
Basic Education Department’s Alfonzo Gabriel Tormon wins Gold in National Inter-School Tilt

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


06 December 2020

Alfonzo Gabriel P. Tormon of the Basic Education Department (BED) of Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) won the Gold Medal in the 2020 SMART/MVP Sports Foundation Online National Taekwondo Inter-School Speed Kicking Championships held on 06 December 2020.

A Grade 5 student from the Valenzuela Campus, Alfonzo competed in the tourney’s Free Kicking-Grade School/Toddler Black Belter Category (8-10 years old).

Congratulations and continue to rise to the top, Alfonzo!