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Turnitin commends Santiago for Innovative Work
Turnitin commends Santiago for Innovative Work

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


The new year debuted with wonderful news when global plagiarism detection engine Turnitin recognized Dr. Adrian Bon Santiago in the Turnitin Global Innovation Awards 2019.

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Dr. Santiago holds concurrent posts at the Pampanga Campus of Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU); he is Program Head of the Graduate School, as well as the Coordinator of OLFU’s Research Development and Innovation Center.

The Certificate of Achievement awarded by Turnitin to Dr. Santiago in January 2020 celebrates him for “demonstrating innovation and academic excellence to support student learning”. Such counts him now among other Asians who Turnitin deems as those who have been blazing the trail in promoting education and research with uncompromising ethical standards.

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According to Dr. Santiago, the efficient use of Turnitin has become an integral component of OLFU as an institution that believes “academic excellence must be achieved with academic integrity”.

The University takes pride in the efforts of Dr. Adrian Bon Santiago!

Photo and story credits: Dr. Michael Joseph Diño