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OLFU delegates attend the StratMark 2023
OLFU delegates attend the StratMark 2023

By: Raymond Lumagsao


By: Raymond Lumagsao

OLFU CBA StratMark 2023

The students of Our Lady of Fatima University’s (OLFU) College of Business and Accountancy (CBA) across campuses embraced an exciting opportunity to delve into the future of marketing during the prestigious Strategic Marketing (StratMark) Conference for Students last 05 October 2023.

With the theme “Unveiling the Future of Marketing,” the event promised to be both enlightening and inspiring, and it did not disappoint. The Winford Hotel Resort & Casino Manila was packed with more or less 750 onsite and almost 900 online participants from 40 different schools.

During the opening ceremony, a moment of pride and patriotism was felt as OLFU’s College of Maritime Education (CME) cadets led the procession, carrying the Philippine flag and the flag of the Philippine Marketing Association (PMA). This symbolic gesture showcased the unity and dedication of the students towards their country and the field of marketing.

Throughout the conference, esteemed industry leaders from the marketing world shared their insights, experiences, and knowledge. These top-caliber professionals brought a wealth of expertise, providing valuable guidance and inspiration to the attending students. Their presence highlighted the significance of staying ahead of the marketing curve and adapting to the rapidly evolving landscape of the dynamic industry.

The conference featured thought-provoking keynote speeches, engaging panel discussions, and participants’ engagement. Students had the opportunity to participate in the Q & A that allowed them to learn about emerging trends, cutting-edge strategies, and innovative technologies shaping the future of marketing. These hands-on experiences enabled them to broaden their horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the event was the enthusiasm and passion displayed by the students from CBA. Their active participation, thoughtful questions, and eagerness to learn were truly commendable. Their dedication to honing their skills and staying abreast of the latest marketing techniques reflected a deep commitment to personal and professional growth.

The StratMark 2023 Student Conference proved to be an incredible success, leaving a lasting impact on both the attendees and the organizing committee. The knowledge gained, connections made, and inspiration received will undoubtedly propel these aspiring marketers towards a brighter future.

The CBA students’ participation in this event showcased their potential and reaffirmed their commitment to becoming the next generation of marketing leaders. With their newfound knowledge and inspiration, they are ready to embark on a journey of innovation, creativity, and success in the ever-evolving marketing industry.

Overall, the StratMark 2023 Student Conference was a testament to the power of collaboration, the hunger for knowledge, and the limitless possibilities that await those who dare to unveil the future of marketing.

During the conference the 37th National Executive Board of the Philippine Junior Marketing Association (PJMA) was officially announced. A CBA student from Antipolo Campus, Franco Gabriele Delatina, was declared as the new Executive Vice President (EVP).

CBA faculty members Sheilla Marie D. Apostol of Quezon City Campus was an active contributor in the events committee, while Jay-Ar S. Sistona of OLFU Valenzuela Campus served as one of the hosts.

The StratMark 2023 was organized by the Philippine Marketing Association (PMA) in partnership with the Philippine Junior Marketing Association (PJMA), headed by Sy Bryan Lato, PMA President, and Dr. Christina R. Corpuz, PMA Director for the Youth & Academe.

Story contributed by Sheilla Marie Apostol