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International Organization Honors Enriquez as Top Educator
International Organization Honors Enriquez as Top Educator

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


In an awards ceremony at the Dusit Thani Hotel last 07 June 2019, the Asian Confederation of Businesses (ACB) lauds the President of Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU), Dr. Caroline Marian S. Enriquez, with an Education Leadership Award. Dr. Enriquez is being cited for her “excellence in application of leadership principles to business situations”.

The Philippines Education Leadership Awards are presented to individuals who are at the forefront of their respective organizations; fortifying it by synergizing leadership, innovation, academics and industry with the ultimate goal of rearing the world’s future leaders.

Dr. Enriquez’ track record fulfilled the main criteria of ACB’s awards program; specifically, in “Making a Difference” in the lives of OLFU’s stakeholders. ACB looked into their awardees’ “work, global reach and outlook, and ability to contribute value to social change”.
Additionally, the Philippines Leadership Awards has been endorsed by the World Federation of Academic & Educational Institutions.
OLFU congratulates its President for, yet again, bringing pride to the institution.

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