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CHEd and UP Open University awards HEI Internationalization Award to the College of Business and Accountancy
CHEd and UP Open University awards HEI Internationalization Award to the College of Business and Accountancy

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


19 May 2021

In recognition of its internationalization efforts, the College of Business and Accountancy (CBA) of Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) was selected as a recipient of the 1st Philippine Higher Education Internationalization Award by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in collaboration with the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU). The College was awarded last 19 May 2021 at a virtual ceremony held via Zoom and livestreaming on CHED’s Facebook page. The event was likewise part of the festivities of CHED’s 27th Founding Anniversary this year.

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“The Philippine Higher Education Internationalization Award is meant to give due recognition to these HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) that courageously and passionately treaded through uncharted water, so to speak,” introduced Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria, Chancellor of the UPOU and the Chair of the said award.

In his message, CHED Chairman, Dr. J. Prospero E. De Vera III said that “internationalization is one major component in the construct of quality education.” On the goal of the award, he shared that it “aims to recognize commendable internationalization programs implemented by our HEIs. It hopes to inspire our schools, colleges and university administrators and our fellow educators to continue improving and innovating in their internationalization programs.”

“As we continue to pedal our way towards a higher education system beyond this pandemic, we must continuously devise internationalization strategies and mechanisms that are agile, flexible, innovative, inclusive and sustainable,” averred Chairman De Vera.

OLFU CBA was part of the 17 HEIs recognized at the awarding ceremony. “Our Lady of Fatima University sets example for its internationalized future-ready curriculum with strong internationalization component in teaching, in research and extension services. It has spearheaded work and travel programs in various countries all over the world, across all programs from graduate and undergraduate, and has strong online programs for their technology-mediated courses,” announced Dr. Ethel Agnes P. Valenzuela, member of the Board of Judges, as she presented the award.

“We at Our Lady of Fatima University College of Business and Accountancy are honored and pleased to be one of the awardees for the Philippine Higher Education Internationalization Award,” said University President, Dr. Caroline Marian S. Enriquez in her acceptance speech.

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“Driven and inspired by the University’s mission ‘Improving Man as Man’, the College of Business and Accountancy of Our Lady of Fatima University has taken its initiatives to embed internationalization in its programs and curriculum to align the knowledge and skills of its students with industry requirements through its pollinized curriculum,” she expressed. “Our curriculum involves a balance of many initiatives that have been carefully planned and implemented to ensure that our graduates are future-ready in in a highly globalized societal economy.”

“We are grateful that our efforts to provide an enhanced curriculum with special focus on internationalization has been recognized. Truly, there are no borders in education, and a carefully crafted and implemented curriculum can develop a world-class Filipino graduate,” Dr. Enriquez conveyed.

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The OLFU College of Business and Accountancy, headed by its Dean, Dr. Ignacio C. Cordova Jr., continues to bridge its students to the global stage through its pollinized curriculum, international memberships and accreditations, and international work and travel program, among many other initiatives.

Congratulations and rise to the top, OLFU CBA!