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Celebrating Recognitions from Esteemed Accrediting Institutions
Celebrating Recognitions from Esteemed Accrediting Institutions

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


The Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities-Accrediting Council, Inc. (ACSCU-ACI) bestowed the Highest Accreditation, Level IV Status, for the following OLFU Graduate School Programs: Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN), Master in Business Administration (MBA), Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), and Master of Arts in Education (MAEd).

A Level II Accreditation Status was also awarded to the following programs: PhD in Nursing, PhD in Education, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Business Administration, Master in Public Health, and Master in Public Administration.

Our Lady of Fatima University Quezon City (OLFU QC) likewise has received Level III Status for its programs in Biology, Psychology, Hotel & Restaurant Management, and Travel Management. These were awarded on May 18, 2018 at The Ritz Hotel at Garden Oases, Davao City, Philippines.

In addition, OLFU QC has become an official member of the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU). A plaque of membership was given during the Expanded Board Meeting at the Technological Institute of the Philippines on May 25, 2018.