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Business Administration & Pharmacy Earn Coveted PACUCOA Level III Status
Business Administration & Pharmacy Earn Coveted PACUCOA Level III Status

By: Vicente Santos


By: Vicente Santos


It’s official! The Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Committee on Accreditation, widely known as the PACUCOA, recently awarded the much-valued LEVEL III RE-ACCREDITED STATUS to the programs: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) and the Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (BSP) of the Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU).

This latest confirmation from PACUCOA signifies that the aforementioned Programs of OLFU successfully met all of the additional criteria set by the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP). As such, it’s a testament that the quality of education has improved even more in terms of the facilities, services, teachers, quality of graduates and their employability, as well.

Accreditation is an intensive process that deep-dives into the areas of: Faculty, Instruction, Library, Laboratories, Physical Plant & Facilities, Student Personnel Services, Social Orientation & Community Involvement, Organization & Administration.
For the earnest and all-out efforts on documentation, process upgrades, coordination and more— kudos to the Deans and their faculty members: Dr. Ignacio Cordova of the College of Business Administration and Dr. Olive De Vera of the College of Pharmacy. It also goes without saying that the leadership and support of University President, Dr. Caroline Marian S. Enriquez, contributed towards the achievement.

Earlier this year, and through the steering of Dean De Vera, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) had also given the program, BS Pharmacy, the distinction of being a “Center of Development (COD)”.

On the other hand, Dean Cordova of CBA is the first dean in OLFU to have two (2) Programs achieving the PACUCOA Level III Re-Accredited Status— the Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management and, now, the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.

Here’s to championing OLFU’s spirit of continuously pursuing excellence. Rise to the Top!